The Catholic Phallusy: The Sins of Our Fathers

The Devil you know
3 min readFeb 28, 2021


Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe

So Eve gave the apple to Adam, who cares. How long can we repeat this narrative before evolving? If you haven’t read the story about the Mom with the Only Fans account, don’t bother. It’s nothing new. In this specific instance, a woman and her husband created an enormously popular and lucrative Only Fans account. Her children at the time were attending a Catholic School. The secret came out at the school and the children were no longer welcome to attend.

How did this come light? This site requires membership and costs money. Why have we not heard about the man who came upon the page during his masturbatory escapades? Have his children been banned from returning to school? As if the flagrant sexism isn’t bad enough, there is now an acceptance of punishing children for the sins of people they are related to. What happened to personal responsibility? If these young children had a father that committed murder or was a convicted pedophile, would the Church still support the cancellation of their Catholic education? It’s hard to swallow the obvious intolerance of any sexual sin attached to women.

This reminds me of a similar story I read about a female school teacher who was fired for being pregnant while single. The priest even told her that she would not be in this predicament if she had aborted her baby. The explanation provided was that she would have a negative influence on her students. Since men can easily hide a pregnancy, only women can be accused of scandal. I wonder if the woman had been raped, instead of being in a committed relationship, if the punishment would have had the support of the Church. The pregnancy would still have to be explained to children, and instead they would have to learn the forceful use of violence. Does the Church suffer the delusion that children being exposed to stories of rape are better than an explanations involving consensual behavior between two committed adults? That would be a much less sexy story than the Jezebel who gets her just desserts.

What does this teach our daughters? Will they feel supported by the Church when they find themselves with an unplanned pregnancy? Will they question why men can just walk into a confessional and be absolved from their sins with no other consequences, while women lose their ability to provide for themselves and their children for the same behavior? Is taking away this woman’s livelihood the best way to share the Gospel with children? Is this a pro-life approach, or are we solidifying the foundation of shame and fear that causes women to run in the opposite direction?

Is this really how Christ taught us to treat one another? Are priests just the modern day Pharisees? Why did Jesus save the woman from being stoned? What was he trying to tell us? Let those without sin cast the first stone. Some scholars of the Church have speculated that what was written in the sand was Jesus revealing the sins of the Pharisees, possibly sins they committed with this woman. This was significant, and why it was recorded in the bible. Jesus challenged the standards of his time and caused a revolution of morality. Why are we still fighting after 2000 years for equality? Instead we hide behind our self righteous religious bullshit. Remember, although Eve may have introduced the apple to Adam, they were BOTH banished from Eden.



The Devil you know

Recovering Catholic, Mother, nurse, artist, writer, and thinker. Seeking clarity, wisdom and serenity through writing and sharing.